3 Things to Help you Move Cities

Moving to a new city can be stressful and filled with anxiety. No matter the distance, it could be a three hour drive from your current city or a 5 hour flight from your current city, it still is a time of nervousness and excitement. 

Recently I made the jump and it has honestly been one of the best things I have done. There have been a few hiccups, but I started writing this blog to assist someone else in their journey.

3. Research the housing market.

I recently moved from Houston, TX to Los Angeles. I knew that I would be downsizing the square footage in my lifestyle unless I wanted to spend over $2k a month for a 1 bedroom with nice upgrades. It is also important to know if large deposits are normal in your city. In Houston you can get in an apartment with little ($300) to no deposit with good credit. For example in LA no matter how good your credit is, you are paying at least a $600 deposit and then paying for the first months rent. Understand what you get for your money in your current city may not be the same in the new city.

2. Be prepared to ask for help. 

Asking for help may not be financial. It may just be getting help finding a religious house. It may be help asking for local grocery chains, but you will need it adjusting to a new culture in what could be a new part of the country. I have had countless times where I have had to ask friends for restaurant ideas, bars, grocery stores and yes even financial help. 

1. Lastly do not over think it. 

Pull the trigger. Moving was the best thing I could have done. I miss my family and close friends oh and my guilty pleasure restaurants, but I have had so many once in a lifetime opportunities. Though my lifestyle is different I could not be happier and the sooner you do it, the better. Besides if you do not like it or the reason you move falls through (job, relationship, or family) you can always go back to what you know. If savings is your worry there is no right or wrong. More money saved does not equal an easier transition.